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iHolda Privacy Policy

Updated: January 2024



Welcome to iHolda, where your privacy and security are our top priorities. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information when you use our application iHolda.


 Information We Collect:


1. Registration and Account Information:

When you register on iHolda we collect basic information such as your name, email address, and profile picture. Additionally, for account verification purposes, we may collect information to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, including physical meet-up details and identity documents.


2. User-Generated Content:

To enhance your experience on our platform, we collect content you create, share, or upload, including photos, videos, and quizzes. This content is essential for features like shared moments, Friend Trees, and engagement-based rewards.


3. Location Information:
- We collect your location information to facilitate features such as restaurant discounts and physical meet-ups. This is to better your experience on the app and allow us to show you local businesses and restaurants
- Your location data is used solely within the context of our application and is not shared externally without your explicit consent.


4. Interaction Data:
- We collect data on your interactions within the app, including quizzes participated in, products viewed, and connections made.
- This information is crucial for personalizing your experience and improving our services.


5. Device Information:
- We automatically collect certain information about your device, including device type, operating system, and app version.
- This data helps us ensure compatibility and provide efficient technical support.



How We Use Your Information:


1. To Provide and Improve Services:
- We use your information to deliver the core functionalities of iHolda, enhance user experience, and continuously improve our services.


2. Community Engagement:

- Your data is utilized to facilitate features like Friend Trees, quizzes, and social dining discounts, fostering community engagement and authenticity.


3. Personalization:

- We use your interactions and preferences to personalize your in-app experience, including tailored product suggestions and content recommendations.


4. Account Security:

- Information collected during the KYC process and device data is used to secure your account and protect it from unauthorized access and impersonation.



How We Share Your Information:


1. With Other Users:
- Your user-generated content, including shared moments and engagement data, is visible to other users within the app, contributing to a collaborative and engaging community.


2. With Merchants:

- If you are a merchant, the information provided during the merchant collaboration process is shared on the platform for promotional purposes.


3. Legal Compliance and Protection:

- We may disclose your information to comply with legal obligations, enforce our policies, or protect the rights, property, or safety of [Your App Name], its users, or others.



Your Choices:

1. Account Settings:
- You have control over the visibility of your information through account settings, allowing you to manage your privacy preferences.


2. Opt-Out:

- You can opt-out of certain data collection features within the app, as specified in the settings.


3. Account deletion:

- You can choose to either temporally deactivate your account or permanently delete.




- We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.


Changes to This Policy:


- We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically. We will notify you of any material changes via the app or other communication channels.


Contact Us:


- For any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your privacy, please contact us at


By using iHolda, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.




The iHolda Team.

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